
Mehmet A. Begen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Management Science (Ivey)
Statistical and Actuarial Sciences (Science)
Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Schulich)

Certified Analytics Professional

Ivey Business School
Western University
1255 Western Road,
London, ON N6G 0N1 CANADA (map)

Email. mbegen [at] ivey [dot] uwo [dot] ca
Phone. +1 (519) 661-4146
Ivey 3340

Mehmet A. Begen is an associate professor of management science in the Ivey Business School at the Western University. Besides Ivey, he is cross-appointed at the departments of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences and Epidemiology & Biostatistics at the Western. Mehmet's research interests are management science/analytics applications, data-driven approaches and in particular scheduling and operations management in healthcare. Mehmet has PhD and MS degrees in management science from Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia, and a BS degree in industrial engineering from Middle East Technical University in Turkey. He is a Certified Analytics Professional (CAP), worked in management consulting before his PhD studies and is a recipient of CORS Practice Prize. Mehmet served CORS as the education chair, VP, president and past president.

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Publications (* indicates my students or postdoctoral fellows)

Journal Articles

  • Habbous, Steven; Montesi, Beth; Masse, Christy; Weernink, Corinne; Sarma, Sisira; Begen, Mehmet; Lam, Ngan; Dipchand, Christine; Yohanna, Seychelle; Barnieh, Lianne; Garg, Amit. “The flow of living kidney donor candidates through the evaluation process: a single-centre experience in Ontario, Canada” to appear in Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease (January 2025). [link].
  • Hamza Malik Okuyan, Ayça Coşkun, Mehmet A. Begen. "Current status, opportunities and challenges of exosomes in diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis" Life Sciences (January 2025): 123365 [link].
  • Sakine Batun*, Mehmet A. Begen, Gregory S. Zaric, “Optimal Co-Development Contracts for Companion Diagnostics” to appear in European Journal of Operational Research, November 2024 [link].
  • Fatemeh Ghandi, Mostafa Davtalab-Olyaie*, Masoud Asgharian, Mehmet A. Begen, Abbas Saadatmandi, "Pareto- optimal peer evaluation in context-dependent DEA", to appear in Operational Research. October 2024 [link].
  • Mostafa Davtalab-Olyaie*, Mehmet A. Begen, Zijiang Yang, Masoud Asgharian, 2024, "Incentivization in Centrally Managed Systems: Inconsistencies Resolution", Omega, December 129 [link].
  • Andrew Klein*, Mehmet A. Begen, 2024, "COVID-19 Policy Response Analysis: A Canadian Perspective", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, June 21(6) [link].
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Felipe F. Rodrigues, Tim Rice, Gregory S. Zaric, Feb 2024, “A Forecasting Tool for a Hospital to Plan Inbound Transfers of COVID-19 Patients from Other Regions”, to appear in BMC Public Health [link].
  • Ali Lotfi*, Z. Jiang, Joe Naoum-Sawaya, Mehmet A. Begen, “Modeling Sales of Multigeneration Technology Products in the Presence of Frequent Repeat Purchases: A Fractional Calculus-Based Approach”, Jan 2024, to appear in Production and Operations Management [link].
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Fredrik Ødegaard, Jafar Sadeghi*, 2023, “Intra-Provincial Benchmark Analysis of COVID-19 in Canada” to appear in INFOR [link].
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Fredrik Ødegaard, Jafar Sadeghi*, 2023, “On Aggregation of Technical and Revenue Efficiency Measures” to appear in Journal of Productivity Analysis https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11123-023-00710-2
  • John S. F Lyons*, Mehmet A. Begen, Peter C. Bell. 2023. "Surgery Scheduling and Perioperative Care: Smoothing and Visualizing Elective Surgery and Recovery Patient Flow" Analytics 2, no. 3: 656-675. https://doi.org/10.3390/analytics2030036
  • Peter Akioyamen and Mehmet A. Begen. 2023. "A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of OECD Member Countries’ Health Care Systems: Effects of Data Missingness and Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression on Inference" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 13: 6265. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20136265 
  • Serdar Dogan, Hamza M. Okuyan, Tayibe Bal, Mehmet Çabalak, Mehmet A. Begen, “Relationship of Thrombospondin 1 and Thrombospondin 2 with hematological, biochemical and inflammatory markers in COVID-19 patients” to appear in  Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, May 2023.
  • Jafar Sadeghi*, Mehmet A. Begen, Fredrik Ødegaard, “Refined bounds for the non-Archimedean ℇ in DEA” to appear in in Computers & Operations Research, Jan 2023 [pdf] [link].
  • Bahman Naderi*, Mehmet A. Begen, Gregory S. Zaric, Vahid Roshanaei“A Novel and Efficient Exact Technique for Integrated Staffing, Assignment, Routing, and Scheduling of Home Care Services Under Uncertainty” to appear in Omega Nov 2022 [link].
  • Bayazıt, B. , Uçarkuş, G. , Çağlar Gençosman, B. , Beğen, M. A.,"Raf Atama Yönetimi için Tamsayılı Programlama Destekli Meta-Sezgisel Algoritmalar" "(Meta-Heuristic Algorithms based on Integer Programming for Shelf Space Allocation Problems)" Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Oct 2022, 100-117[link].
  • Okuyan, C. B., Caglar, S., & Begen, M. A. (2022). "How does the COVID-19 pandemic influence educational and psychological health of nursing students in Turkey: What can be done to minimize adverse effects of the pandemic?", Technium Education and Humanities, 2(4), 63–72 [link].
  • Christos Zacharias, Nan Liu, Mehmet A. Begen, “Dynamic Inter-day and Intra-day Scheduling” to appear in Operations Research, May 2022 [pdf].
  • Hamza Malik Okuyan and Mehmet A. Begen, “LncRNAs in Osteoarthritis” to appear in Clinica Chimica Acta, May 2022. [link].
  • Tiffany Bayley, Mehmet A Begen, Felipe F Rodrigues, David Barrett, “Relative Efficiency of Radiation Treatment Centres:An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis” to appear in Healthcare, May 2022[link].
  • Bahman Naderi, Mehmet A. Begen, and Gregory S. Zaric, “Type-2 integrated process-planning and scheduling problem: Reformulation and solution algorithms” to appear in Computers & Operations Research, Jan 2022 [link].
  • Burcu Caglar Gencosman and Mehmet A. Begen, “Exact Optimization and Decomposition Approaches for Shelf Space Allocation” to appear in European Journal of Operational Research, Sep 2021 [link].
  • Canan Birimoglu Okuyan and Mehmet A. Begen, “Working from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic, its Effects on Health, and Recommendations: The Pandemic and Beyond” to appear in Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, April 2021 [link].
  • Canan Birimoglu Okuyan and Mehmet A. Begen, “Why are Elderly at Higher Risk and what should be done for them During the COVID-19 pandemic” to appear in International Journal of Caring Sciences, April 2021[link].
  • Peijun Sang*, Mehmet A. Begen, Jiguo Cao, “Appointment (Surgery) Scheduling with a Quantile Objective” to appear in Computers and Operations Research, March 2021 [pdf].
  • Bahman Naderi, Vahid Roshanaei, Mehmet A. Begen,  Dionne. M. Aleman, David R. Urbach, "Increased surgical capacity without additional resources: Generalized operating room planning and scheduling” to appear in  Production and Operations Managementt, Feb 2021.[pdf]
  • Hamza Malik Okuyan*, Serdar Dogan, Menderes Yusuf Terzi, Mehmet A. Begen, Faruk Hilmi Turgut., “Association of serum lncRNA H19 expression with inflammatory and oxidative stress markers and routine biochemical parameters in chronic kidney disease” to appear in Clinical and Experimental Nephrology (January 2021). [link]
  • Hamza Malik Okuyan*, Mehmet A. Begen, “miRNAs as attractive diagnostic and therapeutic targets for Familial Mediterranean Fever” to appear in Modern Rheumatology (December 2020). [link]
  • Steven Habbous*, Lianne Barnieh, Scott Klarenbach, Braden Manns, Sisira Sarma, Mehmet A. Begen, Kenneth Litchfield, Krista L. Lentine, Sunita Singh, Amit X. Garg, “Evaluating multiple living kidney donor candidates simultaneously or sequentially: a cost-effectiveness analysis” to appear in Kidney International (June 2020). [link]
  • Antoine Sauré, Mehmet A. Begen, Jonathan Patrick, "Dynamic Multi-Priority, Multi-Class Patient Scheduling with Stochastic Service Times", to appear in European Journal of Operational Research (July 2019) [link].
  • Ramin Barzanji, Bahman Naderi, Mehmet A. Begen, “Decomposition algorithms for the integrated process-planning and scheduling problem” to appear in OMEGA (January 2019) [pdf]
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Martin L. Puterman, Ernest Wu, "Development of an Operational and Tactical Decision Support Tool for a Canadian Beverage Firm: A Case Study" to appear in European Journal of Industrial Engineering (Nov 2018). [link]
  • Amir Rastpour,* Mehmet A. Begen, Alexander V. Louiec, Gregory S. Zaric, “Variability of Waiting Times for the Four Most Prevalent Cancer Types in Ontario: A Retrospective Population-based Analysis” to appear in CMAJ Open (May 2018) [link].
  • Steven Habbous*, Eric McArthur, Sisira Sarma, Mehmet A. Begen, Ngan N. Lam, Braden Manns, Krista L. Lentine, Christine Dipchand, Kenneth Litchfield, Susan Mackenzie, Amit X. Garg, “Potential implications of a more timely living kidney donor evaluation” to appear in American Journal of Transplantation. (March 2018). [link]
  • Steven Habbous*, Sisira Sarma, Lianne Barnieh,  Eric McArthur, Scott Klarenbach, Braden Manns, Mehmet A. Begen, Krista L. Lentine, Amit X. Garg, “Health care costs for the evaluation, surgery, and follow-up care of living kidney donors”  to appear in Transplantation. (2018). [link]
  • John Lyons,* Peter C. Bell, Mehmet A. Begen, “Solving the Whistler-Blackcomb Mega Day Challenge" to appear in INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (aka Interfaces). (2017 CORS Practice Prize Finalist.) [link]
  • S. Habbous,* J. Arnold, M.A. Begen, N. Boudville, M. Cooper, C. Dipchand, S.N. Dixon, L.S. Feldman, D. Goździk, M. Karpinski, S. Klarenbach, G.A. Knoll, M.N. Lam, K.L Lentine, C. Lok, E. McArthur, S. McKenzie, M. Miller, M. Monroy-Cuadros, C. Nguan, G.V.R Prasad, S. Przech, S. Sarma, D.L. Segev, L. Storsley, A.X Garg, “Duration of Living Kidney Transplant Donor Evaluations: Findings From 2 Multi-center Cohort Studies” to appear in American Journal of Kidney Diseases. (2018). [paper] [link]
  • S. Habbous,* E. McArthur, S. N. Dixon, S. Mackenzie, C. Garcia-Ochoa, N.N. Lam, K.L. Lentine, C. Dipchand, K. Litchfield, M.A. Begen, S. Sarma, A.X. Garg, “Initiating maintenance dialysis prior to living kidney donor transplantation when a donor candidate evaluation is well underway” to appear in  Transplantation. (2017). [link]
  • M.A. Begen, R. Fung, D. Granot, F. Granot, C. Hall, B. Kluczny, "Evaluation of a Centralized Transportation Assistance System for Passengers with Special Needs at a Canadian Airport" to appear in International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. 2018. [link]
  • V. Babashov,* I. Aivas, M.A. Begen, J.Q. Cao, G. Rodrigues, D. D’Souza, M. Lock, G.S. Zaric, "Reducing Patient Wait Times for Radiation Therapy and Improving Treatment Planning: A Discrete‐Event Simulation Model" to appear in Clinical Oncology, Jan 2017.[link]
  • Onur Ozturk,* Mehmet A. Begen, Gregory S. Zaric, “A branch and bound algorithm for scheduling unit size jobs on parallel batching machines to minimize makespan” to appear in International Journal of Production Research, 2016. [pdf]
  • Vusal Babashov,* Mehmet A. Begen, Joy Mangel, Gregory S. Zaric, “Economic evaluation of brentuximab vedotin for persistent Hodgkin lymphoma” to appear in Current Oncology 2016. [link] [pdf]
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Hubert Pun, Xinghao Yan, “Supply and Demand Uncertainty Comparison and Reduction” to appear in International Journal of Production Economics, 2016. [pdf] [link]
  • Burcu Caglar Gencosman,* Mehmet A. Begen, H. Cenk Ozmutlu, Imren O. Yilmaz, “Scheduling Methods for Efficient Stamping Operations at an Automotive Company” to appear in Production and Operations Management, 2016 (winner of FICO’s “Optimize the Real World” contest, 2014). [pdf] [link]
  • Onur Ozturk,* Mehmet A. Begen, Gregory S. Zaric, “A Branch and Bound Based Heuristic for Makespan Minimization of Washing Operations in Hospital Sterilization Services” [link] European Journal of Operational Research, 239(1): 214–226, May 24, 2014. [link][pdf]
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Retsef Levi, Maurice Queyranne, “A Sampling-Based Approach to Appointment Scheduling,” Operations Research, 60(3): 675–681, June 1, 2012. [pdf] [link]
  • Mehmet A. Begen and Maurice Queyranne, “Appointment Scheduling with Discrete Random Durations,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 36(2): 240–257, April 15, 2011.[pdf] [link]
  • Pablo Santibáñez,* Mehmet A. Begen, Derek Atkins, “Surgical Block Scheduling in a System of Hospitals: An Application to Resource and Wait List Management in a BC Health Authority,” Health Care Management Science, 10: 269–282, Sep 2007. [link]
  • Mehmet A. Begen and Marty L. Puterman, “Production Planning in JS McMillan: Catch Allocation Tool Design,” Information Systems and Operations Research, 41(3): 235–244, 2003. [link]

Conference Articles

  • Kenneth T. Goh, Ann C. Peng, Mehmet A. Begen. (2016). A Moderated-Mediation Model of the Effect of Variation in Efficacy Beliefs on Team Performance. INGRoup (Interdisciplinary network for group research), Helsinki, Finland, July 2016.
  • Mehmet A. Begen and Maurice Queyranne, “Appointment Scheduling with Discrete Random Durations,” in Proc. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), New York NY, 2009.
  • Ali C. Begen, Mehmet A. Begen and Yucel Altunbasak, “Predictive Modeling of Video Packet Delay in IP Networks,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Atlanta GA, Oct 2006.
  • Ali C. Begen, Mehmet A. Begen, Yucel Altunbasak and M. Reha Civanlar, “Proxy Selection for Interactive Video,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006.
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Martin L. Puterman and Ernest Wu, "Operational and Tactical Planning in the Beverage Industry," in Proc. 39th Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF) Conference Transportation Revolutions, 436–445, Calgary AB, Canada, 2004.
  • Derek Atkins, Mehmet A. Begen, Bailey Kluczny, Anita Parkinson and Martin L. Puterman, "PreBoard Screening Analysis at Vancouver International Airport," in Proc. 39th CTRF Conference Transportation Revolutions, 530–539, Calgary AB, Canada, 2004.
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Ali C. Begen and Yucel Altunbasak, "Packet Scheduling for Real-Time Video Streaming with Mathematical Programming," in INFORMS Telecommunications Conference, Boca Raton, FL, March 2004 (abstract only)
  • Ali C. Begen, Yucel Altunbasak and Mehmet A. Begen, “Rate-Distortion Optimized On-Demand Media Streaming with Server Diversity,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 2003 (Best Student-paper Award).
  • Ali C. Begen, Yucel Altunbasak, Ozlem Ergun and Mehmet A. Begen, “Real-Time Multiple Description and Layered Encoded Video Streaming with Optimal Diverse Routing,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications, Antalya, Turkey, June 2003.

Practitioner Articles

  • Derek Atkins, Mehmet A. Begen, Bailey Kluczny, Anita Parkinson and Martin L. Puterman, “The 90-10 Rule; OR Models Help Improve Passenger Flows and Customer Service at Vancouver International Airport,” ORMS Today, 30(2): 26–29, 2003,(Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS) Practice Prize).

Other publications (consortium authorship)

  • Derek Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A., and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration (forthcoming). Dec 2023. Reproducibility in Management Science. Management Science. [link]

Book Chapters

  • Ozturk, O., Begen, M.A., Zaric, G.S. (2023). Impact of Operational Constraints on the Implied Value of Life. In: Calisir, F. (eds) Industrial Engineering in the Age of Business Intelligence. GJCIE 2021. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham. [link].
  • Onur Ozturk, Mehmet A. Begen, Gregory S. Zaric (2022) Home Health Care Services Management: Districting Problem Revisited. In: Calisir F. (eds) Industrial Engineering in the Internet-of-Things World. GJCIE 2020. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, Cham. [link]
  • Burcu Caglar Gencosman,* H. Cenk Ozmutlu, Huseyin Ozkan and Mehmet A. Begen, “Automotive Stamping Operations Scheduling Using Mathematical Programming and Constraint Programming,” in Bopaya Bidanda, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu and Bahar Y. Kara (Eds.), Industrial Engineering Non-Traditional Applications in International Settings. CRC Press, Nov 2014, 37–68. [link]
  • Sakine Batun* and Mehmet A. Begen, "Optimization in Healthcare Delivery Modeling: Methods and Applications," in B. Denton (Ed.), Healthcare Operations Management: A Handbook of Methods and Applications, Springer, Jan 10, 2013, 75–119.[link] [pdf]
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Srinivas Krishnamoorthy, and John Wilson, "Writing ORMS/Analytics Cases," in J.J. Cochran (Ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, Oct 15, 2013, 1–10.[link]
  • Mehmet A. Begen, Srinivas Krishnamoorthy, and John Wilson, "Teaching ORMS/Analytics with Cases," in J.J. Cochran (Ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, Dec 2012, 1–13. [link]
  • Mehmet A. Begen, “Stochastic Dynamic Programming Models and Applications” in J.J. Cochran (Ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, Feb 15, 2011. [link]
  • Jonathan Patrick and Mehmet A. Begen, "Markov Decision Processes and Its Applications in Healthcare" in Yuehwern Yih (Ed.), Handbook of Healthcare Delivery Systems, CRC Press, Dec 13, 2010, 17–1/18–11. [link]

Non-Refereed Articles

  • Alan J. King, Mehmet A. Begen, Monica Cojocaru, Ellen Fowler, Yashar Ganjali, Judy Lai, Taijin Lee, Carmeliza Navasca and Daniel Ryan, “Web Hosting Service Level Agreements,” Proc. Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, 2001. [link]
  • John Chadam, Mehmet A. Begen, Ali Ghodsi Boushehri, Yuriy Kazmerchuk, Selly Kane, Viktoria Krupp, Eric Machorro, Eva-Marie Nosal and Limei Sun, "Problems in Portfolio Analysis," Proc. Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences Graduate Industrial Math Modelling Camp, 2001 [link
  • MSOM Society Student Paper Competition: Abstracts of 2009 Winners, MSOM, 12:1: 184–187, 2010 [pdf]


  • Ph.D. Thesis. Appointment Scheduling with Discrete Random Durations and Applications. UBC. 2010 [Ph.D. Thesis. Appointment Scheduling with Discrete Random Durations and Applications. UBC. 2010 [pdf]
  • M.Sc. Thesis. Production Planning in JSM Fisheries Ltd: Catch Allocation Decision Tool Support Design. UBC. 2001 [pdf]

Former Postdocs

  • Co-supervisor, Sakine Batun, postdoctoral fellow, Ivey School of Business, UWO (Sep 2011–June 2012) (Current position: Faculty member at METU in Ankara, Turkey)
  • Co-supervisor, Onur Ozturk, postdoctoral fellow, Ivey School of Business, UWO (Sep 2012–Aug 2014) (Current position: Faculty member, University of Ottawa)
  • Co-supervisor, Jianbo Qian, postdoctoral fellow, Ivey School of Business, UWO (Sep 2012–March 2015) (Current position: Investment Analyst for a finance firm)
  • Co-supervisor, Sepehr Proon, postdoctoral fellow, Ivey School of Business, UWO (April 2014–October 2016) (Current position: Faculty member, University of Florida)
  • Co-supervisor, Amir Rastpour, postdoctoral fellow, Ivey School of Business, UWO (Oct 2015–July 2017) (Current position: Faculty member, University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
  • Co-supervisor, Bahman Naderi, postdoctoral fellow, Ivey School of Business, UWO (Jan 2018 – May 2019) (Current position: Assistant Professor, University of Windsor)
  • Co-supervisor, Jafar Sadeghi, postdoctoral fellow, Ivey School of Business, UWO (Feb 2020 – Sep 2023) (Current position: Faculty member, University of Saskatchewan)

Selected Awards and Grants

  • Ivey Research Merit Awards
  • Ivey Teaching Excellence Awards
  • Dean’s Research Faculty Fellowship
  • Meritorious Reviewer Award from INFORMS Journal on Computing
  • 2021 Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Eldon Gunn Service Award
  • PI - 2018/2019 Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) Grant
  • Ivey Bridge Award
  • NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) Discovery Grant
  • Co-PI, UWO/Ministry of Research and Innovation Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  • Second prize for the Informs MSOM Student Paper Competition 
  • Runner-up for the Informs Computing Student Paper Competition
  • Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Practice Prize
  • Honourable mention for Informs Bonder Scholarship in Health Services
  • Honourable mention for CORS Student Paper Competition
  • PGSD3 NSERC Scholarship
  • UBC Lusztig Fellowship and COE Scholarship
  • Informs 2002 Case Competition Finalist

Sample Projects

  • Improving Patient Throughput at the BC Children's Hospital [link]
  • Managing Surgical Waitlists for the Fraser Health Authority [link]
  • Equipment Lifecycle Strategy Analysis for an International Shipping Corporation [link]
  • Improving Efficiency of the Passenger Transportation System at the Vancouver Airport [link]
  • Quantifying, Benchmarking and Predicting Risk for an International Shipping Company [link]
  • Pre-Board Screening Analysis at a Canadian International Airport [link]
  • CT Scanner Waiting Time Reduction Study for a Healthcare Organization [link]
  • Security Queuing Analysis and Staff Scheduling for a Canadian International Airport [link]
  • Planning and Optimization for a Beverage Manufacturing and Distribution Company [link]
  • Business Dockside Crane Efficiency for a Marine Terminal Services Company [link]
  • Optimal Catch Allocation for a Commercial Fishing Company [link]

Selected News and Media

  • Growth mindset: As London's population swells, can its leaders think different? (Oct, 18, 2024) [link]
  • Evaluating living kidney donor candidates simultaneously (Nov, 2020) [link]
  • Using analytics to improve decision-making (August, 2020) [link]
  • From skiing to saving lives, analytics is changing business and decision-making (July, 2018) [link]
  • Mehmet Begen harnesses the power of analytics to solve manufacturer’s scheduling problem [link]
  • FICO "Optimize Real World" Contest [link]
  • Operation wait times, Globe and Mail [link]
  • ICHIL July 2010 Newsletter [link]
  • Something for the weekend [pdf] [link]
  • Right on schedule [link]
  • UBC 2002 Annual Report [link]
  • Western News [link]
  • Sauder News [link]

Last updated on January, 2025.